HOA Team Gymnastics

We are not here to be perfect, we are here to be better than yesterday!

  • Mondays & Wednesdays: 4-6:30p

    2 days/week: $185/mo

    3 days/week: $220/mo (will practice with Silver on Saturdays 9a-12p/ Summers on Fridays 9a-12p)

  • Wednesdays: 4-7p

    Saturdays: 9a-12p

    2 days/week: $200/mo

    3 days/week: $260/mo (practice with Gold/Platinum on Tuesdays 4-7:30p)


    Wednesday: 4-7:30p

    Friday: 9a-12p

  • Tuesdays: 4-7:30p

    Wednesdays: 4-7:30p

    Saturdays: 9a-1p

    2 days/week: $220/mo

    3 days/week: $275/mo


    Tuesdays: 4-7:30p

    Wednesdays: 4-7:30p

    Fridays: 9a-1p

  • Competitive Gymnastics doesn’t have an off season, but we take a full week off each summer.

    Competition Season runs from November-April (Regional’s are in May, but must be qualified for. This is for Silver, Gold and Platinum levels)

    HOA attends 9-10 meets per season, all meets will be in Ohio. Attendance of a minimum of 4 competitions are required to participate in our team program. The more competitions that our athletes attend, the more experience and better outcomes will come throughout the season.

    Competitions run $130-$170/meet. Fees are due throughout the season, typically 2 months prior to comp date. Competition schedule will be ready by Sept/Oct.

    Uniforms are approx $484 and will include: competition leo, team tank leo, warm ups (top and bottom), and bag.