Gymnastics Classes
See parent portal for pricing
45 minute class, 1x per week.
Honey time is a Mommy and Me style class. This means a parent/guardian/family member/adult is interactive with the child during class and will be with the child in the gym. If you are weary about sending a 3 year old to a class without you, this is the perfect option to make your decision as it acts as an introduction to the gym and familiarity of a coach spotting them and interacting.
We will be working on gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. We will have stretching time with a warm up, stations set up for vault, bars, beam, and floor skills, as well as fun activities with parachutes, tunnels, ect.
1 hour class, 1x per week.
Below is a list of skills the students will be working toward during class. To move onto the next advanced class you must have the skills with ** beside it.
-Clean run (ability to run in a straight line)**
-Hurdle with arm circle
-Straight jump to safe landing**
-Jump to forward roll**
-Shimmy across bar
-Pull over with spot**
-Front support hold**
-Small cast
-Toe on in straddle and pike**
-Opossum hang
-Flat foot forward walk**
-Flat foot sideways walk**
-Flat foot backwards walk
-Dip walk
-Releve walk (tip toes)**
-Small bunny hops
-Knee crawl**
-Bear crawl
-Safe landing dismount**
-Walk on high beam without assist**
-Forward rolls**
-Log rolls down incline mat
-Backward roll**
-T position handstand drills**
-Rebound bunny hops**
-High forward kicks**
-Side kicks
-Jumping over objects with control
-Step kick handstand without assist**
Beginner Gymnastics (6+ years old) 1 hour class, 1x/week.
Below is a list of skills the students will be working toward during class. To move onto the next advanced class you must have the skills with ** beside it.
-Clean run (ability to run in a straight line)**
-Hurdle with arm circle
-Straight jump to safe land**
-Shimmy across bar
-Pull over with spot**
-Front support hold**
-Small cast
-Toe on in straddle and pike**
-Opossum hang
-Skin the cat
-Flat foot forward walk**
-Flat foot sideways walk**
-Flat foot backwards walk
-Dip walk
-Releve walk (tip toes)**
-Small bunny hops
-Knee crawl**
-Bear crawl
-Safe landing dismount**
-Forward rolls**
-Log rolls down incline mat
-Backward roll
-T position handstand drills**
-Rebound bunny hops**
-High forward kicks**
-Side kicks
-Jumping over objects with control
1 hour class, 1x/week.
Below is a list of skills the students will be working toward during class. To move onto the next advanced class you must have the skills with ** beside it.
-Clean straight jump with arms to ears**
-Forward roll down incline mat landing on back with arms to ears**
-Handstand flat back to mat with spot on vault pit**
-Bounce backs off board
-Glide swing**
-Hollow body bar taps**
-Toe on straddle/pike dismount**
-Pull over**
-Back hip circle**
-Front hip circle
-Squat on on floor bars
-Cast to 45 degrees
-Cast to backward dismount safe landing**
-Hollow body swing out dismount
-Back hip circle dismount
-Jump to high bar from block
-Floor bar squat on jump forward
-Toe to knee walks**
-Forward kicks**
-Sideways kicks with forward steps
-Backward kicks with forward steps**
-Kick forward swing back
-Pivot turns 2+ times in a row
-Snap turns
-Handstand levers**
-Step leap**
-Side handstand to push up position**
-Side handstand to quarter turn dismount
-Round off dismount
-45 degree handstand with feet tap**
-Complete handstand with spot**
-Handstand on floor beam against wall**
-Mount to V sit to squat mount
-Beginning cartwheels for beam
-Roundoff rebound**
-Handstand without assist**
-Handstand forward roll**
-Handstand bridge**
-Back bend from stand
-Bridge kick over**
-Back walkover
-Candle stick**
-Backward roll to pike
-Step leap**
-Half turns and full turns
-Back handspring with spot**
-Straight jumps, tuck jumps, split jumps and straddle jumps
-Dive forward rolls
This is an invite only class.
This class will work on various skills from competitive levels 3-8 on all 4 events. This class is for those who show good fundamentals and technique. Each class will have 15 minutes of conditioning at the end of class.